Cost: The seminar is arranged by the Gothenburg Research School of Health Engineering and is free of charge. Target group: PhD students and other researchers at Chalmers, SA, GU and VGR
Digitalization development creates both opportunities and challenges in a number of different areas in our society. Healthcare is a key area which undergoes a transformation into being more person-centered and customized patientcare as a consequence of said digitalization development. In this seminar, you will be introduced to the increased importance of medical devices in said transformation of patientcare, not only as customized aids for patients and digital solutions enabling person-centeredness in specific care-routines, but also digital medical devices replacing manual care routines as such. The seminar will also introduce you to a compliance-based assessment model for preparing a research project into a medical technology research and innovation project. The aim is to enable for actors such as academia, healthcare and small industry actors to conduct innovation, entrepreneurship and utilization in compliance with regulations relevant for the medical technology field.