Fulbright Schuman-stipendiaten Kirsten Corazzini, från Duke University School of Nursing, North Carolina, berättar om sitt samarbete med professor Inger Ekman, Göteborgs universitet, och med professor Julienne Meyer, City University of London.
Kirsten Corazzini forskning handlar i huvudsak om att öka kvaliteten på långtidsvård av äldre genom att förbättra hur experterna på omvårdnad formar vården vid frontlinjerna.
Läs mer om Fulbright Sweden: www.fulbright.se
Lecture (in English) on December 2
On December 2, 2015, Kirsten will give a lecture entitled ”Person-centred long-term care; the role of the registered nurse”. The lecture is held at 15:00, in Lecture Room 2119, Hälsovetarbacken, Arvid Wallgrens Backe. More info and registration: http://gpcc.gu.se/english/news+and+events/calendar/eventdetail/?eventId=2990469848
Brief overview for the lecture:
How to provide high-quality long-term care to the growing numbers of frail older adults in the United States (US) and the European Union (EU) is one the most pressing intersectoral concerns of our time. Dr. Corazzini will provide an overview of her work that aims to compare how registered nurses in two EU-member countries, Sweden and the United Kingdom, accomplish person-centered care with assistive caregivers in residential long-term care, and the regulatory structures that relate to these practices. Findings are discussed in relation to how this care is accomplished in the US. Implications will be explored for health and social care policy in both the US and EU to address our critical, shared challenges.