UNIVERSITY BOARD. It’s time now to appoint teacher representatives to the University Board. The first step is for teachers employed at Sahlgrenska Academy to now nominate electors, who will be included in the Electoral Assembly that appoints teacher representatives. Nominate electors no later than September 13. Teachers who are employed at least half-time, with permanent employment or at least two years of continuous employment, are affected by this election. Here…
Henrik Fagman received Pedalen – the student’s teaching award
AWARD. This year’s recipient of Pedalen, Henrik Fagman, likes using his sense of humor to reach his audience. He has now received the award Pedalen, which is the student’s way of showing appreciation for dedicated teachers at Sahlgrenska Academy. Henrik is very pleased about the award: “It makes it even more inspiring to continue working with teaching and learning. I’m particularly happy because the price comes from the students themselves.”…
The foundation is being laid here for learning environments of the future
THE FUTURE OF MEDICINAREBERGET. In 20 years – how have the circumstances for learning changed and what teaching premises and other learning environments will be needed at Sahlgrenska Academy? Akademiliv visited the last of three workshops in which teachers and students tried to provide answers that will lead to a premises program for teaching in the future. The workshops were conducted in order to create a basis for future efforts…
Michael Winder receives Pedalen 2016
AWARD. Yesterday, the students’ pedagogic award, Pedalen (The Pedal) went to Michael “Mike” Winder. He teaches pharmacology (the study of drugs) in several of the faculty’s courses, but primarily within the pharmacist and pharmacy program. How does it feel to receive the award? What does it mean to you? “Of course it feels great and inspiring! It gives me even more energy and desire to develop my pedagogic skills and…
Agnes Wold, one of three new teacher representatives on the University Board
MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENTS. On December 18, the Elector Assembly appointed Agnes Wold from the Sahlgrenska Academy, Rikard Bergqvist from the School of Business, Economics and Law, and Staffan Lindberg from the Faculty of Social Sciences as new representative of the teachers on the University Board. The mandate period is January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018. Agnes Wold, Professor of Clinical Bacteriology at the Institue of Biomedicine, does research on the…