INTERNATIONALISERING. Forskningsinstitutet APHRC i Kenya har just fått 15 miljoner dollar i gåva från amerikanska filantroper. Gåvan ger stabila förutsättningar för fördjupade samarbeten inom både forskning och forskarutbildning, bland annat med Sahlgrenska akademin. African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC) är ett väletablerat privat forskningsinstitut i Nairobi, Kenya, bildat av afrikaner, lett av afrikaner och med afrikansk hälsa som fokus. Sahlgrenska akademin har ett långvarigt samarbete med institutet, bland annat…
Senior lecturer and volunteer for defense of Ukraine
UKRAINE. Professor Max Petzold had just applied for an Erasmus project to strengthen public health research in several Eastern European countries, including Ukraine, when the country was invaded. Together, we called Olena Dubovyk, associate professor and senior lecturer at one of the universities in Kyiv, who provided some insight into her personal experience of the situation in the Ukraine war. Ukraine has experienced instability and conflict since Russia’s illegal annexation…
GU agreements with state institutions in Russia and Belarus deactivated
UKRAINE. The Vice-Chancellor has decided that agreements between the University of Gothenburg and government institutions in Russia and Belarus shall be immediately deactivated and remain dormant for the time being. On March 2, the Government called on higher education institutions and research funders to immediately cease contacts and collaborations with government institutions in Russia and Belarus and not to initiate new contacts or commitments. After further discussion with the Vice-Chancellor’s…
As a researcher, would you want to host international students for project work?
INTERNATIONALIZATION. Foreign students who come to the University of Gothenburg under agreements with universities in other countries receive a lot of support from our international coordinators. But if students apply here with their own funding, the research team and the institution need to assume most of the responsibility for them. In addition to international degree program students who enroll in an entire program at the University of Gothenburg, there are…
Many advantages with double degrees – a well-functioning collaboration enabled her defense of dissertation
DOCTORAL EDUCATION. The first doctoral student admitted to doctoral studies at both Sahlgrenska Academy and KU Leuven has now defended her dissertation. In addition to a double doctoral degree for Mariela Acuna Mora, from the very start the collaboration provides her with both a solid doctoral education and access to an established international network of researchers. Mariela Acuña Mora graduated as a nurse in her native Costa Rica. She came…