GRANTS. On February 14, at 2 pm, the Swedish Research Council opened several calls in medicine and health: project grants, project grants for the development of methods for replacement, restriction and refinement of animal research (3R), project grants in pharmacy, establishment grants, and contributions to employment as a researcher at half-time in clinical environment. The application must be submitted no later than March 20. at 2 pm. Here you can see an overview…
Soon the Sahlgrenska Visiting Professorship will be open for applications
INTERNATIONALIZATION. The Sahlgrenska Academy’s Guest Professorship Program – Sahlgrenska Visiting Professorship – is now about to start. The program can provide co-financing when recruiting guest professors for at a tenure of at least one year and at most three years. The aim of the Guest Professor Program is to stimulate a high quality of international exchange. Sahlgrenska Visiting Professorship is a five-year strategic investment involving the advertising and appointment of…
SEK 91 million from the Swedish Research Council in medicine and health
GRANTS. Twenty-four researchers at the University of Gothenburg have been awarded a total of SEK 91 million from the Swedish Research Council’s call for applications in medicine and health. Gothenburg-based researchers are receiving nine percent of the total pot from the Swedish Research Council and only one of the establishment grants, which means three percent of the total investment in young researchers is going to Gothenburg. This year’s awards are…
Prestigious NIH grant to Lena Carlsson
GRANT. Lena Carlsson’s group will receive just over 1.8 million dollars from the American NIH, in collaboration with a group at the Karolinska Institute (KI). Lena Carlsson is a professor of clinical metabolic research and is head of the SOS study, which is one of the world’s largest studies on obesity treatment. What does this grant mean to you and your group? It means a great deal to us to receive…
Professor Lars-Erik Gelin Memorial Foundation for Transplant Research (Gelin Fund) awards grants to ten transplant researchers
GRANTS. Five of the recipients are affiliated with Gothenburg institutions. Professor Michael Olausson obtained the largest grant for a project that may enable more donors and shorter wait times. Michael Olausson, SEK 200,000 Professor of Transplant Surgery, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg Project: Reconditioning of kidneys from donors after cardiac death and long-term preservation for cancer patients His research may reduce wait times for surgery by virtue of a significantly…