GRANTS. The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation is now investing SEK 36.7 million in research on neuroblastoma, a form of childhood cancer, that is headed by Professor Ruth Palmer at the University of Gothenburg. The large grant gives researchers access to new top-class analytical methods. The project is a collaboration among three research teams at Sahlgrenska Academy, the University of Gothenburg, and an equal number of teams at Karolinska Institutet.…
ERC Starting Grant to Emma Börgeson
GRANTS. Hard work, good preparation and valuable support from many colleagues are the key to success – Emma Börgeson was awarded an ERC Starting Grant, giving her a total of €1.7 million for her research. The grant secures Emma Börgeson’s funding for a five-year period, which will allow her to set long-term goals for her research. “This prestigious grant means a great deal to me. It provides a fantastic platform…
Senior researcher grants from the Swedish Cancer Society to Eva Angenete and Fredrik Bergh Thoren
GRANTS. Eva Angenete, a researcher in cancer surgery, and Fredrik Bergh Thoren, who is conducting research in immunotherapy for cancer, have recently been notified that they are receiving several years of funding from the Swedish Cancer Society. The fundraising organization has chosen to give them the Senior Clinical Investigator Award and Senior Investigator Award respectively. Eva Angenete, an associate professor of surgery at the Institute of Clinical Sciences and chief…
Mats Brännström – Wallenberg Clinical Scholars 2018
GRANT. Mats Brännström, chief physicians and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, is one out of four Wallenberg Clinical Scholars 2018. Mats Brännström leads a revolutionary project for uterus transplantation, through which a total of eight children have been born. He is now working to minimize the duration of the surgical procedure, counteract rejection of the uterus and to conduct long-term follow-ups of all those involved.…
Five granted a total of almost SEK 15 million from Formas
GRANTS. Degradation products in the body that affect the risk of developing diabetes, how preschools should be built so that the sound environment is as good as possible for the children, how health of the residents of Ronneby has been affected by contaminated drinking water and how the interaction between the food we eat and bacteria in the intestines affects the risk of developing liver disease. That is what five…