GRANTS. The Swedish Cancer Society has awarded SEK 900 million to Swedish cancer research, which has been made possible through various donations. Just over SEK 100 million of this amount goes to University of Gothenburg for cancer research.

“Naturally I want to congratulate all the researchers who received grants from the Swedish Cancer Society. This shows that cancer research is still strong here in Gothenburg and an important research area for the faculty,” noted Dean Agneta Holmäng.
The largest project grant goes to Göran Landberg, professor of pathology, and Maria Falkenberg, professor of laboratory science, both at the Institute of Biomedicine, who receive SEK 6 million each.
New pharmaceutical and diagnosis system
Göran Landberg’s group is working on developing a new cancer drug and a better diagnostic system for cancer patients.

“Both consider how the cancer cells’ surroundings affect how malignant a certain cancer is and how it affects the patient,” says Göran, who is pleased that the new cancer treatment and tests are approaching a stage where they can benefit patients. “Long-term support from the Swedish Cancer Society is extremely important to my group and enables us to research clinically relevant problems with optimal methods and techniques.”
The new drug is primarily being developed to be used against breast cancer, but the researchers hope it can be used for several different forms of cancer.
Early diagnosis of lung cancer
Clotilde Wiel, researcher at the Institute of Clinical Sciences, appointed to a three-year research position focusing on cancer prevention. Building on SCAPIS (the Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study), the project will try to identify previously unknown risk factors and biomarkers that can be used for early detection of lung cancer.
“The grant from the Swedish Cancer Society means that I can start planning the project while also applying for other research funds to be able to practically implement the project. SCAPIS provides access to an incredibly well-defined and large population, so additional funding will be required to carry out the planned analyses,” says Clotilde Wiel.
A large part of ongoing research into lung cancer deals with how the disease can be treated, but prevention and early diagnosis are also needed to reduce morbidity and mortality caused by lung cancer.
“Since SCAPIS deals with both lung function and metabolic conditions, there is a strong connection to my previous work. As a researcher, I am now moving from mouse models to humans. It’s a completely new direction for me, which is very exciting.”
Palliative treatment alternatives
Kent Lundholm has been awarded a grant for his research aimed at clarifying why people suffer from fatigue, loss of appetite, emaciation, and depression in progressive cancer. Knowing and understanding this can allow the formulation and development of palliative treatment alternatives for those patients who will not be able to recover from their treatment.
“The focus of the research has been consistent over many decades. The challenge is to understand the interplay between different organ systems in the body so that we can propose rational and effective palliative treatment alternatives that have been shown to be successful in our research,” says Kent Lundholm, senior professor and researcher at the Institute of Clinical Sciences.
Kent Lundholm has had recommended grants from the Swedish Cancer Society since 1975.
“Being a post-retirement researcher is stimulating, enriches life, and creates a sense of meaning, after having invested so much of life in the search for new and important knowledge, which is a form of cumulative investment.”
Quality of life after treatment

Caterina Finizia, professor at the Institute of Clinical Sciences at the University of Gothenburg and senior physician at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, conducts research on head and neck cancer. The treatment of this cancer often affects central functions of the patient, such as breathing, voice, sight, smell, taste, the ability to open the mouth, and the ability to swallow. Current rehabilitation options are often inadequate.
“Our hope is that this research, where we develop and implement new and more effective rehabilitation methods, will improve patient function and thus also their quality of life,” says Caterina Finizia, whose project receives SEK 3 million from the Swedish Cancer Society.
In total, the Swedish Cancer Society is awarding SEK 900 million to Swedish cancer research. Our thanks to everyone who donates and makes it possible for the society to fund over 230 research projects. Read more about the Swedish Cancer Society here:
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg who receive grants from the Cancer Foundation
Keep in mind that the list may contain inaccuracies – check with the Cancer Foundation if you want to be absolutely sure.
Per Arne Albertsson
Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper
Increased ovarian cancer cure with Alpha emitting Radioimmunotherapy
3 000 000 kronor
Per-Ola Andersson
Institutionen för medicin
interferonstimulerade proteiner vid diffust storcelligt b-cellslymfom (dlbcl) – prognos, funktion och behandling
Eva Angenete
Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper
Skräddarsydd behandling för att långsiktigt förbättra utfall och livskvalitet för patienter med tjock- och ändtarmscancer samt analcancer
1 600 000 kronor
Björn Burmann
Institutionen för kemi- och molekylärbiologi
How structure and dynamics govern the function of mitochondrial proteases involved in cancer.
2 400 000 kronor
Helena Carén
Institutionen för biomedicin
Targeting Cancer Stem Cells in High-Grade Brain Tumours
3 000 000 kronor
Maria Falkenberg
Institutionen för biomedicin
Mitochondrial DNA replication and mutagenesis in cancer.
6 000 000 kronor
Caterina Finizia
Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper
Nya behandlingsmetoder vid komplikationer efter huvud-halscancerbehandling för förbättrad funktion och hälsorelaterad livskvalitet – klinisk och translationell forskning
3 000 000 kronor
Bengt Gustaf Gustafsson
Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper
A translational approach to identify biomarkers that predict outcome and treatment-related toxicity in colorectal cancer
1 200 00 kronor
Eva Haglind
Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper
Återhämtning efter kirurgisk behandling av cancer.
3 000 000 kronor
Anetta Härtlová
Institutionen för biomedicin
Role of macrophage scavenger receptor 1 in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma
3 000 000 kronor
Asgeir Jakola
Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi
Bättre diagnostik av hjärntumörer med flytande biopsier
1 600 000 kronor
Meena Kanduri
Institutionen för biomedicin
Delineating the significance of growth factor induced gene regulatory networks in cancer
1 600 000 kronor
Per Karlsson
Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper
– Precisionsmedicin vid strålbehandling av bröstcancer
3 750 000 kronor
Göran Landberg
Institutionen för biomedicin
Behandlingsprediktion och läkemedelsdesign för cancer med fokus på cancercellernas mikromiljö
6 000 000 kronor
Max Levin
Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper
Immune mechanisms for exceptional response to checkpoint inhibition in metastatic melanoma
2 400 000 kronor
Kent Lundholm
Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper
Prevention of Muscle Wasting for improved organ and physical functioning following major Cancer Surgery
1 600 000 kronor
Margit Mahlapuu
Institutionen för kemi- och molekylärbiologi
Molecular pathogenesis and new treatment strategies of hepatocellular carcinoma
3 000 000 kronor
Tommy Martinsson
Institutionen för biomedicin
Neuroblastom, identifiering av terapeutiska mål för en speciellt svårbotad grupp
1 600 000 kronor
Anna Martner
Institutionen för biomedicin
Targeting NOX2 in cancer
3 750 000 kronor
Tanmoy Mondal
Institutionen för biomedicin
Deciphering role of epigenetics and epitranscriptomics behind high-risk Neuroblastoma: disease mechanism to develop novel therapeutic intervention
2 400 000 kronor
Lill Mårtensson-Bopp
Institutionen för medicin
A new paradigm for the development of B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia
4 500 000 kronor
Mikael Nilsson
Institutionen för biomedicin
A developmental approach for improved therapy of radioiodine (RAI)-refractory thyroid cancer
3 000 000 kronor
Ann Nordgren
Institutionen för biomedicin
Constitutional genetic aberrations behind childhood cancer predisposition
2 000 000 kronor
Roger Olofson Bagge
Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper
Why do uveal melanoma metastasize to the liver and how to treat these patients – a translational project including extracellular vesicles and clinical trials
3 000 000 kronor
Marc Pilon
Institutionen för kemi- och molekylärbiologi
Membrane homeostasis and cancer: the adipor pathway in c. Elegans, mammalian cells and mouse models
4 500 000 kronor
Stefano Romeo
Institutionen för medicin
targeting pnpla3 to treat hepatocellular carcinoma in knock-in mice
2 400 000 kronor
Johan Stranne
Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper
Incontinence Post robot assisted radical prostatectomy, Anatomical and functional causes (IPA)(ISRCTN67297115)
2 400 000 kronor
Anders Ståhlberg
Institutionen för biomedicin
Blood-based biomarkers and therapy resistance in sarcoma
3 000 000 kronor
Per Sunnerhagen
Institutionen för kemi- och molekylärbiologi
Responses to cancer therapy and cellular environment
3 000 000 kronor
Susanne Teneberg
Institutionen för biomedicin
Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer: Role of carbohydrate receptors in H. pylori-induced inflammation
2 400 000 kronor
Fredrik Thorén
Institutionen för biomedicin
Identifying novel structures of importance for NK cell recognition of leukemia
3 750 000 kronor
Alesia Tietze
Institutionen för kemi- och molekylärbiologi
Detect and defeat: targeting cancer by transmembrane peptide-ionic liquids conjugates
2 400 000 kronor
Pierre Åman
Institutionen för biomedicin
FET-gruppen av Fusionsonkogener Transformationsmekanismer, Epigenetik och Terapiförsök
2 400 000 kronor
Jenny Öhman
Institutionen för odontologi
Lågenergi-laserbehandling som profylax mot och behandling av oral mukosit hos patienter med hematologisk cancer som genomgår hematopoietisk stamcellstransplantation.
2 400 000 kronor
Per Albertsson
Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper
Increased ovarian cancer cure with Alpha emitting Radioimmunotherapy
3 år x 3 månader
Clotilde Wiel
Institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper
The unique Swedish CArdioPulmonary bioImage Study (SCAPIS) for the identification of new risks factors and liquid biopsy-based biomarkers for early detection of lung cancer
3 år (100%)