FACULTY ELECTIONS. The eight proposed members of the next Faculty Board hereby give some brief answers on how they want to contribute to the work of the Board and to the development of Sahlgrenska Academy.

Helena Brisby, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Institute of Clinical Sciences:
“I want to work to ensure that Sahlgrenska Academy continuously develops, stimulates significant research and provides high-quality education. I think cooperation, diversity and clarity are important. I hope to contribute to the work of the Board from my many years of experience as a researcher, clinician, teacher and leader, as well as experience working abroad on several occasions.”

Fredrik Bäckhed, Professor of Molecular Medicine, Institute of Medicine:
“I hope to help develop research at the Faculty and contribute with international contacts.”

Elisabet Jerlhag, Professor of Pharmacology, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology:
“I want to contribute to strengthening the conditions for broad research at Sahlgrenska Academy. I want to help find ways to increase collaboration between institutions, the hospital and industry, and thereby increase the quality and interaction between preclinical and clinical research.”

Henrik Lund, Associate Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Institute of Dentistry:
“I hope to contribute to the Faculty Board with my experience of working in clinical practice, collaboration with dental organizations both in research and education, and a multidisciplinary and translational research background in dentistry. I also have long and broad experience in teaching at different levels.”
“There are many important issues, but an overall important issue is collaboration with SU and VGR regarding research, teaching and future skills supply.”

Stefan Nilsson, Professor of Nursing, Institute of Health and Care Sciences:
“I can bring my numerous years of experience as a researcher, teacher and specialist nurse, which includes an extensive network both nationally and internationally. These networks can provide a basis for broadening and deepening Sahlgrenska Academy as an outstanding academic institution, where education and research lead to improved care and quality of life for each individual.”
“An important issue for me is to intensify cooperation with Sahlgrenska University Hospital and Region Västra Götaland to ensure a leading education at all levels – from undergraduate to postgraduate studies. This also includes strengthening nursing and interdisciplinary research to become a national and international leader in developing care for each individual.”

Ingela Parmryd, Professor of Medicinal and Physiological Chemistry, Institute of Biomedicine:
“I have a strong commitment to educational issues such as admissions, examinations and throughput. These are issues of importance both for the finances and reputation of the faculty, where I hope to have the opportunity to work. I can also contribute with experience from working on boards at two other major universities, which gives a broader perspective.”

Kristian Samuelsson, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Institute of Clinical Sciences:
“I want to continue the great work and push it towards the fourth industrial revolution towards AI.”

Maria Smedh, Researcher at Sambio Core Facilities and SciLifeLab Site Coordinator at Sahlgrenska Academy (TA Representative):
“I can contribute with a extensive experience of working with research infrastructures. That is what I am passionate about; giving researchers access to the best services available in terms of advanced technology and expertise, so that everyone has the opportunity to access what they need to conduct high-quality research. On other issues, I can be an impartial voice because I do not belong to any of the faculty’s departments and no longer conduct my own research. I also have a lot of experience in teaching PhD students and, especially since I started in my role as SciLifeLab Site Coordinator, I am used to collaborating across faculty and university boundaries!”
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