COVID-19. On the morning of October 29, the university is arranging a new drop-in vaccination at Vasaparken, to make it easier for students and staff to take both of their doses. Just like the previous drop-in, it is possible to start the vaccination with dose 1 or to get the second dose of the vaccine.
The vaccination clinic will offer drop-in vaccinations for everyone born in 2005 or earlier, both students, staff and passers-by. A Swedish personal identity number is not needed to be vaccinated.
The second dose is taken 4-7 weeks after the first. This means that those who received their first dose at the previous drop-in vaccination in Vasaparken in September, can take their second dose on 29 October.
Please tell students and colleagues about the drop-in vaccination. If you have friends and acquaintances who haven’t had their first dose or second dose yet, they are of course also welcome.
Good to know before the drop-in vaccination
The vaccination will take place in the University’s main building in Vasaparken, on October 29 between 9.00-12.30. The address is Universitetsplatsen 1.
Only drop-in, you do not need to make an appointment. You need to bring a valid ID, for example a passport. You do not have to pay for the vaccination.
Bring your vaccination card if you have received the first dose. Both Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are being used. Please note that people born in 1991 and later who have received a dose of Moderna’s vaccine are currently not offered a second dose, following a decision by the Swedish Public Health Agency.
Before the vaccination, you fill in a health declaration. A nurse then gives you the vaccine as a needle jab in the arm. You will be asked to stay for 15 minutes after receiving your shot. This is to make sure you feel fine afterwards.