CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION. Akademiliv provides an overview of the construction project Natrium, the new premises for the Faculty of science, and reconstruction work in Medicinarelängan and surrounding area. In regards of the spread of covid-19, there is currently no impact on the progress of the projects, but University of Gothenburg and Akademiska Hus are closely monitoring developments and are making adjustments as needed. If you have any questions about the construction activities, feel free to email medicinareberget@gu.se.
This text contains references to addresses. An updated map is available in PDF format on the Campusservice Medicinareberget web page on Medarbetarportalen via link here.
WEEK 21, May 18 – 22.
Lundberg laboratory – reconstruction on the second floor
Reconstruction work on the second floor is completed. However furnishings and installations remain, activities that are not considered to cause any significant disturbances. The reporting from this project ends here.
The time has come to set up the first construction crane for the coming casting for Natrium. The crane, with a reach of 45 metres is to be put in place next to the EBM media central. The next crane will arrive after vacation and be mounted in the centre of the area. Both cranes are steered by a remote control, allowing the operator to stay on the ground.
Thursday in week 21 is Ascension Day, hence there will only be one blast, in the area close to Medicinarelängan on Tuesday 12.30 with 15.00 as reserve time.
In the new project office (port cabins) interior furnishings are ongoing as well as work on some stairs and handrails in the exterior.
Inside Medicinarelängan the demolition work on second and third floor proceeds. Ceiling, gypsum boards and glass are removed. The temporary wall that has been built will remain throughout most of the reconstruction. It aims at minimizing the disturbances in terms of noise and dust.

WEEK 22, May 25 – 29.
In week 22, the majority of the project staff moves to the new project office/portcabins close to Occupational and environmental medicine.
Both blasts in the week will take place close to Medicinarelängan. Project team members will be in place to make sure that no one stays in the rooms closest to the blast.
Blasting in the week will take place Tuesday and Thursday at 12.30 with reserve time at 15.00 on the same days.
Inside Medicinarelängan, demolition work continues on the second and third floor. Waste material is outloaded in containers placed outside the entrance at Medicinaregatan 7b.
WEEK 23, June 1 – 5.
The concrete work for the new culvert to connect the EBM media central to Natrium is in progress.
In Medicinarelängan, demolition of ceiling and interior walls continues on second and third floor.
On the construction site, blasting both on Tuesday and Thursday takes place close to Medicinarelängan at 12.30 with reserve time at 15.00.

In the Staff Portal you will find more information about construction projects on Medicinareberget: https://medarbetarportalen.gu.se/sahlgrenskaakademin/byggprojektmedicinareberget/