We are living in an extraordinary situation, where it is unclear when life can return to normal. I see and truly appreciate the incredible commitment shown by our colleagues in maintaining the quality of education and my sincere thanks for the hard work being put in by our teachers.
We are currently planning and booking classrooms and facilities for the autumn semester, when we hope to be back to teaching on campus again. But it is difficult to predict when we will be given the go ahead to return, so we should consider what issues we may face if courses have to continue through remote and distance teaching after the summer.
Our researchers are also doing their part to help address the pandemic, as experts in the spread of contagions, virology and infectious diseases. The Public Health Agency of Sweden has appointed an advisory reference group consisting of six researchers and specialists from different higher education institutions and regions. From Sahlgrenska Academy, we are happy and proud of the fact that professors Tomas Bergström and Magnus Lindh are included in this group.
When our spring application period closed last week, the number of applicants to our programs had increased significantly. This is heartening, though not surprising under the circumstances. The university as a whole is preparing to expand the number of accepted students, but our faculty will not be affected by this expansion. We have stated that we are unable to expand courses while also maintaining quality within clinic-based training.
Our focus now needs to be on preparing for what is to come and persevering. Get out and enjoy the lovely weather, naturally while continuing to maintain a safe social distance.
Stay healthy and be well.
Agneta Holmäng