GRANT. Erik Studer is one of four young scientists at Sahlgrenska Academy who have just received postdoc scholarships from the Swedish Brain Foundation. In researching the impact of stress on aggressiveness, he uses VR headsets to study the dynamics of the brain when tense situations arise.
Anger and aggressiveness are common symptoms of many psychiatric conditions and personality disorders. Researchers have a come a long way with regard to the social components of aggressiveness but not very far in terms of biological factors. Dr. Studer and his team will employ leading-edge VR technology to fill the gap. One hundred healthy volunteers will be subjected to various stressful situations while wearing VR headsets as a means of identifying the biological variables that contribute to aggressive behavior.
“VR technology will allow us to create highly realistic environments,” Dr. Studer says. “We are hoping that the new test will generate fresh knowledge and insights into aggression in its different forms. The Brain Foundation grant will enable us to conduct the study.”
Along with quantification of brain activity, the technology will also permit researchers to examine autonomic stress responses, including pupil size and the release of hormones.
Dr. Studer and 17 other young scientists accepted the Brain Foundation postdoc scholarships at a ceremony in Stockholm on January 19. A total of SEK 8.4 million will enable them to research the brain and its diseases on a full-time basis. Each recipient will obtain SEK 300,000.
“More researchers than ever will now be able to work on discovering new methods of preventing, detecting and treating brain disease,” says Dr. Anna Hemlin, Secretary General of the Foundation. “We are looking forward to breakthroughs that will benefit victims of dementia, stroke and other conditions.”
The Foundation’s scientific committee awards annual postdoc scholarships and research grants. The members of the committee, twenty of Sweden’s leading neuroscientists, thoroughly review the applications in accordance with pre-established criteria. Postdoc scholarships are highly prestigious because they make it possible for researchers to independently explore new horizons, a daunting financial challenge for the first few years after obtaining a PhD. The Foundation also funds a number of research projects in the field of neuroscience.
Recipients of 2017 postdoctoral scholarships at Sahlgrenska Academy:
Erik Studer: Aggression and Stress, University of Gothenburg
Petra Suchankova Karlsson: Dependence and Addiction, University of Gothenburg
Mishra Devesh: Eating Disorders, University of Gothenburg
Anna Stokowska: Stroke, University of Gothenburg