TEACHING. Digital tools can open up new opportunities for your teaching administration, aid with examinations and simplify work and communication in teaching. Would you like to know more? You can turn to Mattias von Feilitzen.
What is your assignment?
My assignment mainly consists of providing support to teachers that want to develop their teaching skills by using different kinds of digital tools, but the goal also includes trying to coordinate support in different ways, in order to create a good ripple effect. I also provide more targeted support for specific questions (for example, design of new facilities, targeted support to the IPL committee).
Why do teachers need IT support?
With an increase in digitalized teaching in higher education and greater expectations in using digital tools in teaching, many teachers feel the need for support to meet this demand. In part, there are teachers that see the possibilities in using different digital tools in their teaching, but are unsure of how to do this in a good and relevant way, and in part, there are teachers that need support in developing basic competence and understanding.
How many teachers have you helped with the new IT solutions, so far?
At this time, I have started support for 6 different courses or modules. I am also planning a number of seminars and workshops with different focal points that are open to teachers at Sahlgrenska Academy where I, hopefully, can reach a larger group. These workshops and seminars can inspire and awaken an interest in developing their own teaching. The first time will occur during the spring and then again in the fall.
What opportunities do the different IT solutions offer teachers who want to develop their pedagogy, today? What possibilities do you think are the most fun?
Digital tools can open possibilities and provide support on many different levels, including everything from structure and administration or teaching and examination support, to opportunities for collaboration and communication. Myself, I think the opportunities for collaboration and co-production that open up through different digital tools are particularly exciting, but I also find video use in teaching very interesting.
How can teachers get in touch with you if they would like support from you?
The easiest way is to send an email to mattias.von.feilitzen@ait.gu.se. There is also information on the internal pages of Sahlgrenska’s website that you can access at http://sahlgrenska.gu.se/internt, where you can also find information on and links to registration for the seminars and workshops that I am arranging for spring 2016.