The University of Gothenburg begun a collaboration with the National Service Center that may take over the University’s payroll, travel and expense management during 2016. A letter of intent has been written where the parties have agreed that the National Service Center opens an office in Gothenburg, where the affected employees within the university are to be offered employment.
The background is the government’s decision that all agencies salary administration shall be conducted by the National Service Center, an agency under the Ministry of Finance that offers government agencies in Sweden payroll administration services, financial management and e-commerce.
An office in Gothenburg
The letter of intenetion between the University and the National Service Center states that the Center is to provide services for the University within payroll administration, as well as travel and expense management and that this should be done through a business transition. This means that the National Service Center places an office in Gothenburg, where the affected employees within the university are to be offered employment.
“The issue of employee transfer is an important issue that the University has pushed in the discussions leading to the declaration of intent, in order to provide security for the employees affected by the change but also to maintain the quality of our salary administration”, says University Director Jörgen Tholin.
Next step
In March, a connection project will be launched, that will define the services to be delivered to the University. An agreement should then be signed, and subsequently the services shall be implemented and deployed. The preliminary schedule is that the services are to be delivered to the university in full in July 2016 but the exact date is decided upon, depending on what the project results in.
Here you can read more about the National Service Center: