DISSERTATION. A program for young people with congenital heart defects that is intended to facilitate the transition from pediatric care to adult care increases participation, independence and a higher degree of empowerment when provided in a person-centered manner and with a pediatric approach, according to a recent dissertation Thanks to improved care and treatment, more and more children diagnosed with long-term conditions survive to adulthood despite congenital heart defects, diabetes,…
AgeCap publishes a new book about capability
NEW BOOK. AgeCap, the Centre for Aging and Health, at the University of Gothenburg, has published a new book about capability, our ability to perform actions intended to achieve goals that we personally feel are valuable. The book is an anthology aimed at describing how the concept of capability can be used in studies on older adults and aging. The new book, written by around 60 AgeCap researchers, describes the…
Helle Wijk is one of three new teacher representatives on the University Board
MISSION. The three newly appointed teacher representatives on the University Board has now had their first introductory meeting, marking the start of term of office for Helle Wijk, professor of nursing at Sahaclgrenska Academy. In addition to Helle Wijk, Olof Johansson Stenman and Gustaf Kastberg Weichselberger are also appointed to represent the university’s teachers on the board. As the university’s highest decision-making body, the board handles many issues that are…
University of Gothenburg extends its commission for Centre for Person-Centred Care (GPCC)
RESEARCH. Since its inception in 2010, the Centre for Person-Centre Care (GPCC) at the University of Gothenburg has worked for comprehensive change in health care, where patients are more active as partners in their care. After recommendations by external evaluators, the University is now opting to extending GPCC’s commission for six more years. For more than a decade, GPCC has contributed to establishing person-centred care as a central concept in…
Widespread effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on maternal and newborn care in Europe
NEW STUDY. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to deficiencies and large inequalities in the care of mothers and newborns in Europe. This is shown by a study in which researchers from the University of Gothenburg and Lund University took part and are now presenting the results. The article, published in the scientific journal The Lancet Regional Health Europe, is based on a cross-sectional survey of 12 European countries. A total…