The Vice-Chancellor has decided on a more clearly defined model of responsibility for the registration of publications. This is to ensure the quality of the university publication database GUP.
Assar Gabrielsson Award for research that may provide better treatment of glandular cancer
The 2014 Assar Gabrielsson Award is presented to Doctor of Medicine Marta Persson for her research into how normal cells can turn into cancer cells. By combining basic cancer research with clinical information, the results can boost the development of better treatment for patients with salivary gland tumours. Marta Persson will receive the award and 50,000 kronor. Cancer is a condition caused by various types of damage to the genetic…
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Film technology gives teachers the chance to record their lecture
Entirely new film technology has been set up in two lecture halls at Medicinareberget for some time. There, one can record their lecture, hold a video conference and present to double classes.
Request for the establishment of doctoral projects
Request for the establishment of project-linked doctoral projects