The SciLifeLab capabilities for Precision Medicine (PM) and Pandemic Laboratory Preparedness (PLP) now invite clinical researchers and the SciLifeLab infrastructure units and PLP units to submit proposals for collaborative Clinical Technology Development Projects aimed at addressing unmet clinical needs.
The main applicant should be a representative of a SciLifeLab infrastructure unit or PLP unit (grant recipients of the earlier PLP Calls, PLP-1, PLP-2, PLP-ClinMicro, PLP-Test). Each proposal is expected to have one or two co-applicants with one being a clinically active researcher, including researchers at clinical laboratories, who must hold a PhD. While additional partners (industry, health-care providers etc.) can be included as collaborators in the project, the funding is restricted to the university participants.
Each SciLifeLab infrastructure unit or PLP unit can be the main applicant in one proposal.
Deadline: 10 April, 2024, at 2 p.m.