PREMISES PROJECTS. Eric Hanse, resigning Vice Dean with responsibility for premises and infrastructure, gives an overview of ongoing activities in some of the projects at Medicinareberget.
“Sahlgrenska Academy’s premises need to be developed in order to support the needs of the operations in the future. Functional premises help us carry out our mission in research and education in a good way. It is equally important to keep track of our cost of premises. Hence, we are looking into whether we can reduce the premises by co-locating the activities Health & care sciences, Health and Rehabilitation and Odontology in the Odontologen building. The project has resulted in a report and the consequences of such co-location are currently being discussed.”
For the students, the development of Medicinarelängan’s lower floor is underway. The premises are empty after the construction of Natrium. There, together with the Faculty of Science, we get a welcome addition of study places. Construction continues during the spring term.
Awaiting the region’s decision on the issue of Sahlgrenska Life

“Sahlgrenska Academy continues to pursue the issue of Sahlgrenska Life together with the Västra Götaland region (VGR). The purpose of Sahlgrenska Life is to create a life science center for translational research, education, health care and innovation. An important part of the concept is also participation from the business sector. Sahlgrenska Life comprises three buildings, one on each side of Per Dubbsgatan and one across.”
The project was initially a collaboration between three parts, where a private company, Vitartes, would construct two out of three buildings. Cooperation with them was suspended, as neither we nor VGR could accept the lease proposal presented in December 2022.
Earlier this year, VGR decided to utilise an opportunity that was in the agreement with Vitartes. It gives VGR the right to acquire all shares in the company that owns the property where Sahlgrenska Life is to be built. The work to acquire the company is ongoing.
From the start, the project’s building 1 was intended to be built by VGR, but during the autumn VGR investigated the question of whether they should also own buildings 2–3. A decision on the issue is expected at the end of January.
Cooperation with external parties a success factor for the faculty
“School of Public Health and Community Medicine, which is part of the Institute of Medicine, is currently located in several locations on Medicinareberget. In 2024, they will co-locate in Geovetarcentrum at Wavrinskys plats. The new name will be Hälsovetarcentrum (HVC), Health Science Center, in English. The move brings them closer to their collaboration partner, the Gothenburg-based part of Regionhälsan’s FoUUI unit, which also plans to move to HVC”.