Hello Gunnar Tobin. Congratulations on winning the Sahlgrenska Academy’s Pedagogical Prize 2023! How does it feel to have received this award?
I’m delighted. I’m also very pleased that my colleagues appreciate what I have tried to do. But I always think deep down that I don’t deserve it. However, I do believe my that students appreciate my teaching.
What are you most proud of in terms of your teaching work?
My involvement with Jörgen Engel, Elias Eriksson, and Hans Nissbrandt in starting and developing the pharmacy program is one of my proudest achievements. Over the years, there have been a lot of courses within many different programs. But in more general terms, I think I’m most proud that I’ve always seen the student, the individual, and adapted accordingly. For me, the student has always been at the center.
The justification says that you have developed teaching activities to increase student participation. Can you give an example?
That’s a tricky question. There have been lots of small elements over the years. Generally, it’s been a matter of putting the student at the center. There are probably structural problems that apply to university education in general. Including outside Sweden. Students as a group choose the easiest and most efficient route to achieving a pass. Reading the course book isn’t a good route.
I’ve tried to introduce elements that activate the student. One of these is the student developing, implementing, and reporting on a research project during their first-cycle education that includes aspects of chemistry, biochemistry, physiology, and pharmacology. Another involves problematizing the textbook content with the scientific literature. I’ve always believed in the principle that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. When the choice is encouraged too strongly, it isn’t always popular. Nevertheless, I’m still proud of my initiatives.
You are currently Vice Dean of Education. What do you think are the most important issues for the Sahlgrenska Academy when it comes to our programs?
Quality is linked to both competence and resources. The foundation for the entire university is the link between research and education. In other words, the subject is embedded within a complete academic environment. If not, we end up with upper secondary-level education. The complete environment forms the basis for guaranteeing competence within subject areas. Another – and perhaps crucial – issue is resource allocation. Chipping away at our prices in an already squeezed situation would be disastrous. We are likely to face significantly higher costs for many things in the coming years, but especially in terms of premises and work-based education. From the perspective of study performance, the situation appears very serious.
The prize is to be spent on pedagogical improvements. Have you thought about what you will use it for?
It came as a big surprise, so I’m not entirely sure yet. But a new educational research project together with my colleagues feels very natural.