The foundation Clas Groschinskys minnesfond (memorial fund) awards grants for research and operating costs in medicine and social and behavioral sciences. In 2023 grants are awarded for research in:
- Infections
- Immunotherpay against cancer
- Pancreatic cancer
- Autoimmune endocrine diseases
Support is directed to researchers who, after their defense and postdoctoral or clinical further education, are building up their own project and research group. Eligible to apply are researchers who completed their dissertations in 2013-2021 and who do not yet have a permanent position in the university organization or have a larger guaranteed grant for five years or longer.
The research grants amount to a maximum of SEK 300,000/grant and are paid to the institution where the research group is affiliated. The foundation must have the complete application by 31st January 2023.
For more information (in Swedish), see the call here or go to the foundation’s website www.groschinsky.org