COOPERATION. “Together we run excellent cross-border research” – this is the theme for Research Day 2022, which is carried out jointly by Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital. During the day (held mainly in Swedish), research on rare diagnoses, thought-driven prostheses and the transition between child and adult healthcare will be presented. In addition, there will hopefully be a digital visit to Denis Mukwege at Panzi Hospital in Congo.
For programs and registration, visit the Research Day’s website (in Swedish):
“Research Day is a reminder of how closely healthcare and academia work together and how important it is that we work together to develop the healthcare of the future. Together we truly run excellent cross-border research,” says Peter Gjertsson, who recently replaced Ian Milsom who convened the working group behind Research Day 2022.
Cardiovascular research, cancer and type 2 diabetes
Cardiovascular research has long been very strong at Sahlgrenska Academy and Sahlgrenska University Hospital. At this year’s research day, we will gain insight into some of the projects that are underway today, and the vision that leads the field forward. Another presentation is about the development of precision medicine in cancer in children and adults. The role of the intestinal microbiota in type 2 diabetes is in focus for another program item.
Appreciated by the audience
The last Research Day had to be postponed by nine months due to the pandemic, but could finally take place on 12 November 2021. It was a day that was much appreciated by the audience. In the subsequent evaluation, 99 percent answered that they thought the day was very good (57 percent) or good (42 percent).
The research day of 2022 also had to be moved forward due to the spread of infection, and will now take place on Monday 12 September. The layout is similar to last year’s event. This time too, the day takes place as a hybrid meeting, where participants can book for physical or digital presence, and all listeners can use the event’s app to ask questions in real time.
During the day, attention is also drawn to the two researchers who received higher clinical ALF research positions, as well as the winners of the Dissertation of the Year 2020 and the Sahlgrenska Academy’s pedagogical award 2021.