COVID-19. Most restrictions will be lifted on Wednesday February 9, and the University of Gothenburg will gradually return to campus until March 31. The management of Sahlgrenska Academy focuses in particular on creating as good a return as possible for the students.
The University of Gothenburg is acting quickly, and is now resuming the gradual return to normal operations.
”Finally we see the end of a long and tough period. The appreciation for the great efforts that all our employees have made is tremendous. Your efforts have meant that we have been able to manage our assignments and our operations properly”, says Dean Agneta Holmäng.
Discusses solutions
The spread of infection has had a great impact on our teaching, where students in some cases have not been able to complete examinations or teaching as planned.
”In cases where students have gotten into trouble, for example being barred as a result of pandemic measures, we at Sahlgrenska Academy will take this into account. We will then, for example, discuss the possibility of extra exam opportunities, or alternatively consider exemption”, says Gunnar Tobin, vice dean for educational issues.
The strong spread of infection in society has also affected students’ ability to complete work-based education/clinical placement (VFU) as planned.
”At present, we can still not get an overview of the consequences of the spread of infection for the clinical placements, but a large absence due to illness could theoretically mean that measures need to be taken”, says Gunnar Tobin, who mentions changed term times as one possible measure.
New phase in the pandemic
The fact that it is now possible to return to campus does not mean that the pandemic is over, but that Sweden has entered a new phase of the pandemic. In case of illness or suspected covid-19, it is recommended that you continue to stay at home and avoid contact with others. If you are unvaccinated, it is recommended that you remain careful and avoid crowding.
From February 15, employees can gradually begin to return to the workplace. From April 1, the university will be back to regular regulations regarding course and education plans. If temporary deviations from the ordinary course syllabus are then required due to previously laid course planning, specially motivated decisions must be made and documented.
Read more on the Staff Portal.