Svenska Sällskapet för Medicinsk Forskning announces the new SSMF Consolidator Grant. The grant is aimed to give prominent researchers in medicine the opportunity to strengthen their position as independent researchers.
Application period: 15 March – 15 April
Application and eligibility
To be eligible to apply, the doctoral degree must be awarded at least 7 years and no more than 12 years before the end of the application period. Deductible time can be accepted with a total of 24 months for sick and parental leave, AT/ST service and military service.
The amount and the conditions of the grant
SSMF Consolidator Grant is applied for by an individual researcher employed at a Swedish university. If a grant is awarded, the recipient must be employed by the grant manager when the grant period begins and throughout the grant period. The employment must cover at least 50 percent of a full-time employment. Applicants do not have to be employed by the grant manager at the time of application. The grant can be used for research in all medical fields. SSMF supports basic research as well as applied research. The total grant amount is SEK 11,000,000 (SEK 2,200,000 yearly), indirect costs included. The grant period is five years and the disposition time for the grant is 6 years. The grant may be used for all types of project-related costs within the framework of the regulations that apply to the grant manager. SSMF assumes that the grant manager, as the responsible employer, covers any costs in addition to the grant.