The Arvid Carlsson Foundation has decided to award two recipients of the foundation’s grand prize for outstanding research in the spirit of Arvid Carlsson: professors Lars Farde and Kjell Fuxe at Karolinska Institutet. Lars Farde was among the first to apply advanced positron emission tomography to address clinically important psychiatric issues and was rewarded for a long list of significant work, including on the workings of psychotropic drugs. Kjell Fuxe is a true pioneer in transmission research who has been rewarded for his pioneering studies of the proliferation of monoaminergic neurons, dopaminergic receptor agonists, receptor-receptor interactions and brain volume transmission. The prize consists of a diploma and SEK 700,000.
At the same time, Professor Mia Ericson, University of Gothenburg, receives SEK 400,000 for interesting studies of the importance of dopaminergic mechanisms for alcohol dependence.