Akademistatistik is a service that GU and Medisam jointly subsidize to be able to offer researchers at SA and VGR, statistical consulting assistance. The first five hours are free, after that the help costs 590 SEK / hour (see our website for more information: https://www.gu.se/en/medicine/about-us/school-of-public-health-and-community-medicine/akademistatistik-consulting-services-in-statistics-and-health-economics).
In normal cases, the research group must book appointments via our website; but during the summer months (July, July and the first half of August) you do not need to book appointments. You who need help during the summer can send an email directly to us; akademistatistik@gu.se, we will contact you at a suitable time. In the autumn, you will need to book appointments in the usual order.