FACULTY ELECTION. The election for Sahlgrenska Academy’s Faculty Board will take place between May 17 and May 30, 2021. Below, Akademiliv answers several frequently asked questions about the election. You will find more general information on online voting in the Staff Portal.
- Which positions are being voted on in the election?
- What does it mean to be an alternate on the Faculty Board?
- Who can vote in the faculty election?
- Why don’t doctoral students have voting rights?
- When will the election committee’s proposal be presented?
- How do you vote online?
- Can I trust that I can vote anonymously and securely in the online election process?
- When will I receive my ballot?
- When can I vote?
- How do I make my choice?
- I have one or more proposals of my own that I think should be submitted to the board; what should I do?
- Who is electable as a member of the Faculty Board?
- Who is on the faculty-wide election committee?
- When will we know the results of the election?
- When will the newly elected board take office?
- Whom should I contact if I have questions?
Which positions are being voted on in the election?
The election is for eight permanent members and two alternates on the Faculty Board (that is, the Academy Board). The Students’ Union will appoint three additional members, who represent the undergraduate, master’s and doctoral students.
What does it mean to be an alternate on the Faculty Board?
The alternate list allows the faculty to avoid by-elections in the event of a vacancy on the Board. The alternates are not substitutes that can replace other members when they are unable to attend individual meetings. Alternates for members, appointed in an election for the Faculty Board, are entitled to be present and to speak at Faculty Board meetings.
Who can vote in the faculty election?
All employees within the faculty, with the exception of doctoral students, have the right to vote. Employment, however, must comprise at least 50 percent of full time and be an appointment that is until further notice or that comprises at least two years of continuous employment. A leave of absence does not prevent participation in the election.
Why don’t doctoral students have voting rights?
Representatives for doctoral students are appointed by the Students’ Union. Therefore, doctoral students do not have voting rights as employees.
When will the election committee’s proposal be presented?
The election committee’s proposal, consisting of eight members and two alternates, will be presented in a special informational mailing to all faculty employees on Tuesday, May 4. The proposal will also be posted in Akademiliv.
How do you vote online?
The election will be held using the University of Gothenburg’s online survey tool, Sunet Survey. If you are entitled to vote, you will receive an email from the GU survey address survey.no-reply@gu.se. The message will contain a unique link for each voter. The link leads to a web page, the equivalent of a ballot, in which voting takes place. It’s possible to vote by computer or mobile phone.
Can I trust that I can vote anonymously and securely in the online election process?
The web tool used for the election meets security requirements. The anonymous respondent survey makes it impossible to trace who has responded. Nor is it possible to link an individual and his or her vote. More information about how electronic elections take place at the University of Gothenburg is available at the Staff Portal:http://medarbetarportalen.gu.se/elektroniskaval/
When will I receive my ballot?
Because the election is conducted electronically, no ordinary ballots will be distributed. Everyone entitled to vote will instead receive an email containing a link to a web page, the equivalent of a ballot, in which voting takes place.
When can I vote?
The election will be held between May 17 and May 30, 2021. You can submit your vote as soon you receive the link to the election tool via email. It is not possible to vote after May 30 at 11:59 pm.
How do I make my choice?
The question to answer is: “Do you support the election committee’s proposal?” to which you may respond:
- YES = I support the election committee’s proposal
- NO = I have a proposal that partly or completely differs from the election committee’s proposal
- BLANK = blank vote
If you vote yes or blank, all you have to do is select ‘yes’ and submit. If you vote NO, you must enter a complete proposal for the vote to be valid. This proposal can be partly based on the nominating committee’s proposal of candidates, in which you replace one or more names, or be a completely new proposal. PLEASE NOTE that the proposal must contain ten different named, eligible (electable) candidates, including eight candidates for assignments as members and two candidates to be alternates. The candidates should have been consulted and have accepted the assignment.
I have one or more proposals of my own that I think should be submitted to the board; what should I do?
You can vote on your own proposal. PLEASE NOTE that your proposal must be complete – that is, contain eight different named candidates as members of the board as well as two different named, ranked candidates as alternates. You may supplement your proposal with names from the nominating committee’s proposal or present ten completely new names. The candidates you present must be eligible (electable) and consulted and should have accepted the assignment. If your proposal does not conform to the rules, the vote becomes invalid.
Who is electable as a member of the Faculty Board?
Electable individuals are employees within the faculty and its institutes, provided that the following two conditions for employment are met:
1) the employment must comprise at least 50 percent of full time
2) the employee is appointed until further notice or has an appointment that comprises at least two years of continuous employment
Individuals on the faculty’s list of eligible voters are also the list of possible electable candidates. A copy of the faculty’s list of eligible voters is available in each institute.
Who is on the faculty-wide election committee?
- Chairperson: Per Lindahl, Institute of Biomedicine (per.lindahl@medkem.gu.se)
- Vice Chairperson: Inger Gjertsson, Institute of Medicine (inger.gjertsson@rheuma.gu.se)
- Magnus Hakeberg, Institute of Odontology (magnus.hakeberg@odontologi.gu.se)
- Christopher Holmberg, Institute of Health and Care Sciences (christopher.holmberg@gu.se)
- Ingela Hammar, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology (ingela.hammar@gu.se)
- Mats Geijer, Institute of Clinical Sciences (mats.geijer@gu.se)
- Gabriel Bake, Sahlgrenska Academy Office (gabriel.bake@gu.se)
When will we know the results of the election?
The results of the election are ready when the votes have been fully counted, the election officials have written a ballot record, and it has been approved. The election results will be announced through a special informational mailing to all employees of Sahlgrenska Academy and will also be posted in Akademiliv.
When will the newly elected board take office?
The term of office for the next Faculty Board for Sahlgrenska Academy (Academy Board) begins July 1, 2021.
Whom should I contact if I have questions?
- Per Lindahl, chairman of the election committee (per.lindahl@medkem.gu.se).
- Other members of the election committee can also answer questions (for names, see above, under Who is on the faculty-wide election committee?).
- Monica Strömberg, Faculty Secretary (monica.stromberg@gu.se or 0766-183587).