NEW PROFESSORS. The university has had to postpone two professor inaugerations, and only next spring is a major festival planned that brings together three cohorts of new professors. Until then, you can watch short films where the new professors introduce themselves, in Swedish.
The university was unable to hold the Inaugeration of New Professors last year, and has also decided to postpone this year. The Vice-Chancellor Eva Wiberg has decided that there will be a gathering heat in May 2022, when three years of new professors will be installed at the same time. As Vice-Chancellor, Eva Wiberg has introduced a new tradition of installation, where each professor is presented with a short film, produced by Eva Lundberg and Johan Wingborg at the Communication Unit.
For several of the professors who work in a clinical environment, the recording has had to wait, but the collection of films is supplemented as they are completed.
- Here you can see the films about the new professors of 2021:
- Here you can see the films about the new professors of 2020: