HONORARY DOCTOR. All staff at Sahlgrenska Academy may nominate honorary doctorates. The appointments are evidence of the faculty’s appreciation, and a way to strengthen our national and international network of contacts. The deadline for nominations is March 31, 2021.
The Sahlgrenska Academy Board decides on who will be appointed Honorary Doctor in 2021. Many of our honorary doctorates are appointed because of their direct importance to research or education at our faculty, but we can also designate persons who contributed to the formation of knowledge within the faculty’s field of operations in other ways.
Here are the rules for appointment (in Swedish): https://gubox.box.com/s/l5tra6s1fdk8558h3rdakktpg1b9czv4. Nominate by sending the filled-out pdf-form to the secretary of the Faculty Board Monica Strömberg (monica.stromberg@gu.se), by Wednesday March 31, 2021.