CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION. Akademiliv provides information about the construction of Natrium on Medicinareberget.
The current information about constructions on Medicinareberget is now starting to be distributed with special mailings and in Akademiliv every four weeks, instead of as hitherto every other week. For the rest of the year, the information will be according to the schedule on Monday 19 October, Monday 16 November and Monday 14 December.
In regards of covid-19, there is currently no impact on the progress of the projects, but developments can change quickly. The University of Gothenburg and Akademiska Hus are closely monitoring developments and are making adjustments as needed.If you have questions about the construction activities, feel free to email
This text contains references to addresses. An updated map is available in PDF format on the Campusservice Medicinareberget web page on Medarbetarportalen via link here.
WEEK 39-42, September 21-October 16.
Work outside the construction site
Close to the project office, a mock-up, a model section of the facade, is put up for review, before the start of production.
One car lane is closed on Medicinaregatan by the parking lot and toward the allotments.
This is due to the reinforcement work in the coming week. Note that the first blast here will take place Tuesday September 22 at 15.00. However, this will not cause any disturbing vibrations in Medicinarelängan and other buildings nearby. The closure concerns some parking spaces and allotments. It will remain for a couple of weeks. Better information signs along with other actions slowing down traffic will be applied. A guard will be present when needed to secure a safe passage for cars and pedestrians.

Activities at the construction site
Marked in blue (illustration above), the completed concrete work on the construction site. In the coming four weeks, activities will focus in the green areas in the centre.
A culvert close to EBM, groundwork and casting of the base slab are all activities in progress during the period.
Marked in yellow, the drilling area for water supply and sewage. The street will be closed off related to this activity and noise reduction measures will be taken.
Marked in orange, areas where a wire saw will be used.
Close to Nya Forsken blasting will take place to create a ramp on regular blasting hours Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12.30, with reserve times on 15.00 on the same days. This will take approximately five weeks. At each blast, a relevant risk area will be closed off. Occasionally staff in Nya Forsken will be concerned and the construction project will provide guided assistance approximately 10 minutes before the blast, to secure that the concerned staff leaves the rooms. Note that the risk area alters, so there is no reason to worry if an office is evacuated at one blast but not the next.

Activities inside Medicinarelängan
On the entry floor of Medicinarelängan, work continues.
The demolition of a door to a course laboratory is scheduled for week 40, to avoid disturbing the lab course activities.
Measures to reduce dust are taken.
A temporary wall was put up inside Medicinarelängan, on which the exhibition is now installed. To provide a safe passage passed the door in the wall for people walking by, signs, mirrors and other safety measures to avoid collisions have been taken.
Heavy demolition is ongoing on the first floor during the period, involving such as sawing in brick walls. This causes disturbances. The work starts in week 40, a less busy period in Medicinarelängan.
In the Staff Portal, you will find more information about construction projects at Medicinareberget: