SAVE THE DATE. Mark Thursday, February 4, 2021 for Research Day in your calendar. The theme this year is “The new normal? Consequences, lessons learned and development in the traces of covid-19”. The program will be presented later this fall.
The Research Day is a joint arrangement between Sahlgrenska Academy and the Sahlgrenska University Hospital and is aimed at employees of both organizations. The seminar day is planned to be given at the Wallenberg Conference Center, Medicinaregatan 20A, with reservation for change due to the pandemic’s development.
The day highlights current research on covid-19 in several different areas. As in previous years, two main lectures and four parallel seminars on internationally competitive research are planned. The latter are available in both the morning and afternoon. The program as a whole will be presented this fall, when the registration also opens.
The research day is a reminder of how closely healthcare and academia work together and how important it is that we work together to develop the future of healthcare.
Contact person is Ellen Saverman: or 031-342 40 07.