Medical Hill Seminars are now expanding to become Sahlgrenska Academy Science Seminars (SAS-seminars) and all Institutes at Sahlgrenska Academy have the opportunity to submit speaker suggestions for the fall season 2020. Until now, this seminar series has been operated by the Institute of Biomedicine, but the Faculty Board now expands the concept in order to provide better opportunities for exchange across Institute and organization borders. Visiting scientists, invited speakers, opponents and internal researchers may all be considered as speakers. The Sahlgrenska Academy Science Seminars will operate by the Council for Research (FOR) under guidance of Professor Ruth Palmer.
- The seminars will be given in English on Thursdays at 3–4 PM in the “Arvid Carlsson” lecture hall in Academicum, starting in September 2020.
- Read the summary for more information about SAS-seminars.
- See available dates here.
- To submit suggestion, download the form and send it to
“SASS” finns redan som förkortning för “Sahlgrenska Academy Students for Sustainability”, en avdelning inom SA:s studentkår SAKS som jobbar med hållbarhetsfrågor. De ordnar också seminarier ibland. Det är mycket olämpligt att detta nya initiativ inkräktar på en redan etablerad förkortning och skapar förvirring. Välj en annan beteckning – varför inte “SASSem” eller “SASciS”?
Hej Dan, seminarieserien byter ut sin förkortning, och kallas numera SAS-seminars. /Elin, red.