SECURITY. Zoom cyber attacks are a security vulnerability during a thesis defense since it is a public event. Read more about how to manage this vulnerability and what applies for a thesis defense at Sahlgrenska Academy.
The University of Gothenburg (Sahlgrenska Academy) and several other universities, including Chalmers and Lund University, have been subjected to Zoom cyber attacks, including during thesis defenses. The attacks come in the form of “Zoombombing”, which involves an unwanted intrusion into a video conference (via Zoom or other platform) intended to disrupt or shock. The phenomenon has escalated during the spring, as the use of video meetings has exploded. Many schools and university around the world have been subjected to attacks, often because links to meetings have been widely circulated. Open lectures and thesis defenses have often been targeted at universities.
It is not possible to completely protect against this, but it is important to avoid attacks as much as possible by following provided recommendations.
Link to information on the Staff Portal: The Staff Portal News. Avoid cyber attacks via Zoom – follow the recommendations
Managing thesis defenses at Sahlgrenska Academy
Sahlgrenska Academy works with Media Technology and Campus Services to plan our thesis defenses:
- Media Technology will contact all supervisors and doctoral students who have booked a defense of thesis at Medicinareberget during the spring to discuss technical solutions.
- The Sahlgrenska Academy Office will contact everyone who has booked a thesis defense for another location.
- The recommendations are for everyone to use Zoom Webinar for thesis defenses (not Zoom or GU Play) and that examining committees use their own private Zoom room for their meetings.
Additional updates about mid-way reviews within Sahlgrenska Academy will be provided at a later date.
For questions concerning your thesis defense, contact: forskarutbildning@sahlgrenska.gu.se
Link to the contact form for campus technicians for Medicinareberget: https://medarbetarportalen.gu.se/campusservice/serviceanmalan-campus/