DEAN ELECTION. Shortly, Sahlgrenska Academy will hold an advisory election to appoint a new Dean .The election will take place between November 16 and November 29, 2017. The work on compiling the electoral register is ongoing. If you are entitled to vote, please check that you are listed in the preliminary electoral register that has been sent on referral to the instututes.
The candidate presented is Agneta Holmäng, Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Head at the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology. She was a final candidates in the election held earlier this year. Akademiliv will get back to you with an article presenting the candidate.
The advisory election will be held between November 16 and November 29.
Those qualified to vote can say yes to the majority proposal from the Nomination Committee, propose another candidate or leave a blank ballot. The election is done electronically.
According to the University’s Rules of Procedure, all faculty employees whose employment comprises at least 50 per cent of full-time and who are appointed permanently or have a ordinance covering at least two years of continuous employment, are eligable to vote in the election. In order to be enlisted on the electoral register you need to fulfill the requirements at the time the register is compiled.
Check that you are listed
The electoral register is currently being compiled. A preliminary register for each Institute, Core Facilities and the Sahlgrenska Academy Office has been distributed to be reviewed. The Institutes and equivalent organizational units are asked to provide any comments by Friday November 10, 2017. Please check for yourself and indicate any errors to the administrative manager of your institution. If you have questions about the voting length, please contact the deputy head of department Jan Rubensson:
Here you can see the preliminary electoral registary (one tab for each institution or equivalent):