GRANTS. Are you in contact with a physician who is curious about research and who you are willing to supervise? A new form of a grant provides physicians throughout the Västra Götaland Region with the opportunity for up to three continuous months of research time!
The notice has been published to stimulate more physicians to begin research and is an initiative from Medi-SAM and Hälso-SAM, the joint committees of the Sahlgrenska Academy and the Västra Götaland Region. All physicians who have a least half-time employment within the Västra Götaland Region may apply.
The try-out months presuppose that contact has been established with a PhD supervisor who is either employed within the Västra Götaland Region or at the University of Gothenburg. There must also be an agreed project that will ultimately lead to a scientific publication.
The supervisor is the person who will apply for research months on behalf of the physician.
Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis and are submitted via the Research Web: https://www.researchweb.org/is/alfgbg/.
You can read more detailed information about the published notice (only in Swedish) at the following site): https://gubox.box.com/s/hmiw6ic562gobqe3lr9l2ivinxyfybc4