SELECTION OF DEAN. Christina Jern won the vote in the advisory selection of dean at Sahlgrenska Academy. She received 371 votes, representing 55.3 percent of the voters.
“I want to thank our co-workers for the confidence to lead the faculty. I’m pleased I got such great support. I also would like to thank the nominating committee for a well managed process. To become Dean of the faculty is an exciting mission that I really look forward to,” says Christina Jern.
The nominating committee has presented the selection results to Vice-Chancellor Pam Fredman, who will formally appoint our new Dean.
The total number of voters were 671, giving a voter turnout of 56.5 percent.
In the selection, Agneta Holmäng received 269 votes, 26 voters abstained, and five voted on own candidates.
Shortly, the nominating committee will also propose their candidate for the assignment as Pro-Dean, who serves as the Dean’s deputy. According to plan, the selection of Pro-Dean will start next week.