PRIZE. The mental health award Psynkpriset for 2016 in the Gnet (perseverance) category goes to Christopher Gillberg, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Gothenburg.
The Psynkpriset prize – for meritorious efforts for the mental health of children and young people – was established in 2010 as encouragement, inspiration and appreciation for the people and organizations in Sweden that contribute to the mental health of children and young people in various ways. The prize is awarded annually through an open nomination process. The winners are chosen by the steering committee for the project Mission Mental Health (Uppdrag Psykisk Hälsa) at the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SALAR).
The Gnet perseverance award goes to the person or organization for persistent and persevering work for children’s and young people’s mental health.
The prize for 2016 goes to Christopher Gillberg because, in his research and actions, he has persistently – and at times against the wind – stood up for children and adolescents with neuropsychiatric difficulties and their right to early and expert assessment and intervention.