INFRASTRUCTURE. On June 21, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and H. M. the King inaugurated the synchrotron facility MAX IV in Lund. The synchrotron facility has the most brilliant X-ray light in the world, which allows one to study molecules and materials at atomic level, even better than before. More than 2000 scientists from around the world annually are expected to conduct experiments in the lab.
The Swedish Research Council is the principal funder of Max IV and the its Director General Sven Stafström attended the opening ceremony. “Today is a great day for Swedish research and also for the Swedish Research Council as the main financier of this plant. MAX IV brings the best prerequisites for achieving breakthrough research. Additionally, MAX IV will attract the best researchers in the field from around the world to Sweden, thereby creating ample opportunities for international collaborations. In a small country like Sweden it is important that co-funders work together and the investment in Max IV is an excellent example of this”, said Sven Stafström in his inaugural speech.
“We have great confidence from the founders to manage the facility, and there are great expectations from both the scientific community and the industry community that we will deliver results that the world has not yet seen. We have an exciting time ahead of us”, said Christoph Quitmann, Director of the MAX IV Laboratory.
In the laboratory one can study the details of, for example, the structure of molecules and materials down to the atomic level. It provides new knowledge about the link between the structure and function, which will be used to develop new drugs and new smart materials.The special techniques required to generate the intense light has been developed by the predecessor of the MAX IV, the MAX lab in Lund. This technology means that MAX IV is a state of art facilty, the best synchotron in the world so far. Several other facilities around the world will now copy the technology behind the MAX IV.
Here you may read the inaugeration speach by Sven Stafström (in English):