INTERACTION. Five enthusiastic researchers recently ran the Gothenburg Half Marathon to draw attention to efforts to develop a universal flu vaccine. The team’s most senior researcher Stefan Isaksson was also the fastest, with the finish time 1:48:49.
The runner team consisted of Stefan Isaksson, Gurdeep Chahal, Stefan Karlsson, Siggeir Fannar Brynólfsson and Inta Gribonika. All had the same T-shirt, with the text “21 km closer to Universal Influenza Vaccine. One shot to cure them all.” The team was sponsored by the Marie Curie Almumni Association (MCAA).
“While completing the race I was very happy to see other participants who were running for science related topics, mainly cancer research. I really hope that such activities will expand as this is amazing tool to inform general public of the global problems we are trying to deal with in our labs”, says Inta Gribonika who took the initiative to the team.
She adds: ”
I encourage everyone to run for their scientific goals also in the Gothenburg Half Marathon 2017!”
Rakesh Chandode took the nice pictures during the race.