INTERNATIONALIZATION. Newcome pupil’s skills, economic impacts, validation of nursing programs, colonization of outer space and international perspective on the forces driving migration. Those are some of the themes highlighted during the Global Week at the University of Gothenburg, which this year focuses on migration. Almost all acticities are held in English.
The greatest refugee disaster in the world since World War II is ongoing. Around 60 million people are scattered worldwide. Migration is also the theme of Global Week held at University of Gothenburg 16 to 18 November 2015.
During Global Week gather researchers, artists and representatives of organizations such as SIDA, Amnesty International, the Nordic Africa Institute and authorities such as University and College Council, highlighting the migration from a number of perspectives.
The week begins with two lectures followed by a panel discussion under the headings “Forced Migration – Challenges, Politics and Humanitarian Actions” and “The relationship between Citizenship and Human Rights”. The main speaker is Ingela Winter-Norberg, SIDA and Lisa Pelling, analyst at think tank Arena Ideas.
Among other participants during the Global Week shows, among others from University of Gothenburg, Joakim Ruist, an economist who has studied the economic impact of migration, Henrik Sjövall, professor of medicine and head of the validation courses for doctors with qualifications from outside the EU, Anja Karlsson Franck, researchers the Department of Global studies include research on migration and corruption, and Stendahl, head of Legal Practice in which law students collaborate with organizations such as the City Mission and the Red Cross. The Red Cross also participate by holding a workshop during a lunch hour, invited by the Student Organization Focal Point Europe.
Gellert Tamas, writer, journalist and filmmaker, is involved on November 17 under the title “A Swedish Welfare State for All? – Historically and Today”. On November 18, Christian Catomeris, documentary filmmaker and reporter for SVT, will apeak about his experiences as a foreign corrospondent and filmmaker entitled “Journalism and Human Dignity”.
In total fourteen events will be presented during the week. Complete program can be downloaded at The activities are conducted in English, except in rare cases (see program).
Global Week starts 12:45 Monday 16 November, with an opening address by Pam Fredman, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Gothenburg and Helena Lindholm, vice-rector.
No registration required. Seats are limited.
Time: noon. 12:45 November 16 noon. 20:00 November 18
Location: Educator, Building A, Västra Hamngatan 25, Gothenburg.