ACADEMIC ELECTION. On November 16-22, an election of electors at the Sahlgrenska Academy will be held. The electors will be included in the assembly that appoints teacher representatives to the University’s highest decision-making body – the University Board. The election of the electors is conducted electronically, and only academic staff will vote.
Academy’s nominating committee is now working on drawing up proposals for eight electors to Elector Assembly. The electors choosen will be part of the Elector Assembly which decides on teacher representatives in the University Board for the mandate period 2016-2018.
Prior to the election of electors, a preliminary electoral register has been compiled and circulated for review at institutions and similar entities.
Here you can see the preliminary electoral register:
If you have comments on the preliminary electoral register you can turn to the administrative manager in your institute, who will compile the comments of the institute:
- Institute of Biomedicine: Chatrine Butler
- Institute of Clinical Sciences: Katarina Olinder Eriksson
- Institute of medicine: Linda Forsberg
- Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology: Cecilia Qvarnström
- Institute of Odontology: Magnus Havås
- Institute of Health and Care Sciences: Maria Danielsson
- Core Facilities: Morgan Lidén
Who is eligible and is entitled to vote?
The categories of teachers who are eligible as electors and who are entitled to vote in the election are specified in the Higher Education Ordinance and the university’s employment regulations. The teacher should have a position of at least six months and be employed when the election takes place, that is, during the week of 47, November 2015. There is no requirement on the scope of employment.
Brief information about the election
This election will be conducted electronically. Persons entitled to vote will receive a link _ by e-mail, making it easy to take a position on the Nomination Committee’s proposal. It will also be possible to submit a different proposal for electors – note that the proposal must contain eight names of candidates. It is allowed to use names proposed by the Nomination Committee, and replace one or more of the names with own proposals. Candidates must be eligible and have the opportunity to participate in the Electoral Assembly’s meetings.
Current University Board
The term of office of the University of Gothenburg’s current board expires 2016-04-30. Chairman of the Board Cecilia Schelin Seidegård.