PRIZE. During a popular science lecture in Skövde on Wednesday, Agnes World was startled to learn that she had been awarded the 2015 Lars Salvius Prize. The prize is awarded for important contributions to popular science and dissemination of research findings.
Here is a video of the unexpected ceremony: http://www.vastgotabladet.se/article/tv-agnes-wold-overraskades/
Jury citation:
“The 2015 Lars Salvius Prize is hereby awarded to Agnes Wold, senior consultant and professor of clinical bacteriology at the University of Gothenburg, for her fearless questioning of ingrained concepts and distortions about life in the microscopic and macroscopic worlds. She has exposed discrimination against female academics with the same intelligence and wit as she has attacked medical myths and blind faith in healthcare advice. The normal bacteria flora will never be the same for those who have ever heard one of her captivating lectures.”
The annual prize has previously gone to Gunnar Bjursell, Hugo Lagercrantz and Helge Skoog. The recipient is given a diploma and a stipend of SEK 100,000.
The Lars Salvius Association was formed by the Swedish Writers’ Union, the Swedish Publishers’ Association and the Swedish Magazine Publishers Association. Lars Salvius was a highly cultivated linguist and innovative book publisher in eighteenth century Sweden. He published scientific findings despite the widespread assumption that they were unprofitable ventures and turned the narrow segment of the market into a moneymaking enterprise. He was also engaged by the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and opened the country’s first lending library.