Members of Future Faculty have recently received a survey, which will provide a map on the situation for junior researchers at six different universities in Sweden. The survey is conducted by the newly formed organization National Junior Faculty.
The survey is open until April 10. It consists of ten questions, and caters to active, postdoctoral researchers without a permanent postition as lecturer or professor. All registered members of Future Faculty have received a link to the survey. It is implemented at six Swedish universities, on the initiative of the National Junior Faculty, which is a newly formed umbrella organization of Future Faculty and similar networks at Swedish universities at Sahlgrenska Academy at University of Gothenburg, Karolinska Institutet, Linköping University, Lund University, Umeå University and Uppsala University.
– It is a single, national voice for junior researchers. We hope the survey can provide valuable information about the situation of junior researchers at a national level in Sweden that can serve as background info in communication with politicians and funding stake holders, says Helga Lidö, Assistant Professor in addiction medicine and a Future Faculty’s co-chairman.
Free membership
Future Faculty supports active researchers, who have defended their thesis, but have not yet been given a permanent position as a lecturer or professor. The network is run by a group of volunteer young researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy, and works among other things for clearer career paths. Anyone who meets the criteria may become a member, free of charge. Contact if you want to join, or if you want to respond to the survey from the National Junior Faculty.
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