At the University of Gothenburg (GU), the vice-chancellor now signs applications for funding from the Swedish Research Council for research infrastructure. If you plan to apply for funding from the Research Council for infrastructure and GU is named as either the main applicant or a co-applicant, you must inform Research Funding Advisor Ulrika Hjelm of your intention no later than March 3.
The Swedish Research Council intends to review the financing, organization, and management of research infrastructures. No new infrastructures will be financed before this review has been carried out, although infrastructures with funding expiring this year may apply to receive a one-year extension. Changes are also underway at GU concerning the handling of applications for infrastructure.
Large-scale infrastructures and major databases with grants expiring in 2014 will have their funding extended for a period of one year. The 11 infrastructures affected by these changes do not need to apply for extensions. (Read more information here: Other infrastructures with grants expiring this year may apply for grant extensions for operating costs incurred during 2015 at 2014 funding levels. The closing date for applications is April 23, 2014.
Applications for planning grants and for Swedish participation in international infrastructures will be advertised and applied for as previously specified. The closing date for planning grant applications is March 26, 2014 and the closing date for grants for Swedish participation in international infrastructures is April 23, 2014.
Deadlines for Application Processing at GU
Monday, March 3: At GU, the vice-chancellor now signs applications for funding from the Swedish Research Council for research infrastructure. If you plan to apply for funding for infrastructure from the Research Council and GU is named as either the main applicant or a co-applicant, you must inform Research Funding Advisor Ulrika Hjelm ( of your intention no later than March 3. This requirement also applies to applications for planning grants that are signed by the responsible department head, but that may require the vice-chancellor’s support in later stages.
Monday, April 14: For applications (for grants other than planning grants) for which GU is the main applicant and which the department head is required to sign, the infrastructure’s total budget and guarantees of support and of any co-financing from all the department heads, deans, and relevant co-applicant universities involved are to be sent to Ulrika Hjelm no later than April 14.
Thursday, April 24, 3 PM: For the actual signing, Appendix S (the appendix will be generated upon submission) is to be signed by the applicant and forwarded in an envelope marked “Ulrika Hjelm” to the reception at Vasaparken no later than 3 PM on April 24, and supplemented by sending a scanned copy to: by the same deadline.
Questions? Contact Ulrika Hjelm: Tel: 031-786 9504 or