The purpose of this hearing is to identify preclinical and clinical research questions where samples and data are available for a combined metabolomics/proteomics/data analysis proof-of-concept study.
SCAPIS – personlig riskprediktion med bilder och registerdata
Välkommen till vårens andra seminarium i vår seminarieserie om registerforskning! Seminariet hålls på svenska och riktar sig till alla som vill utveckla sin kunskap om registerforskning.
SciLifeLab Day in Gothenburg
Learn about the services and capabilities that are offered from SciLifeLab, both nationally and locally, and how you can participate in the activities!
Joan Camuñas Soler: Data integration for single-cell phenotyping and RNA-based diagnostics
Joan Camuñas-Soler, Assistant Professor in Bioinformatics for Translational Medicine will share his research that stands at the interface of genomics, biophysics, and precision medicine.
Ultrasensitive-and-digital sequencing and, infrastructure activities within Genomic Medicine Sweden
Prof. Anders Ståhlberg will showcase the applications of ultrasensitive and digital sequencing and Per Sikora will give an update of the GMS working package related to Informatics and Infrastructure