GRANTS. Sture Lindegren, an associate professor at the Department of Radiation Physics, is receiving almost SEK 1 million from the Swedish Research Council’s Proof of Concept call for proposals. The funds from SRC will enable him and his colleagues to proceed with a clinical trial of a new treatment for ovarian cancer. This involves establishing a platform to produce drugs based on the radioactive element Astatine-211 (At-211). The radiopharmaceuticals being…
Successful workshop for better Research Council applications
YOUNG RESEARCHERS. Ten researchers attended a recent workshop organized by Future Faculty and the Grants and Innovation Office that offered participants a chance to sharpen their applications to the Swedish Research Council. One of the participants was epilepsy researcher Johan Zelano, who thinks the workshop was useful – and well executed. During the workshop, lectures on the various parts of the application were interspersed with individual work, feedback from advisors…
The Swedish Research Council has announced its open call
GRANTS. On February 14, at 2 pm, the Swedish Research Council opened several calls in medicine and health: project grants, project grants for the development of methods for replacement, restriction and refinement of animal research (3R), project grants in pharmacy, establishment grants, and contributions to employment as a researcher at half-time in clinical environment. The application must be submitted no later than March 20. at 2 pm. Here you can see an overview…
A total of nearly SEK 25 million from the Swedish Research Council’s call for clinical treatment research
GRANTS. Two Gothenburg-based applicants receive multi-million kronor sums from the Swedish Research Council’s call for clinical treatment research. Bo Söderpalm is receiving SEK 17 million for a collaborative project that can result in more effective pharmacological treatment for people with alcohol dependence, and Anders Jeppsson is receiving fully SEK 7.5 million for another national project, which will study which of two different treatments works best for the prevention of complications…
Large focus on young researchers when the Swedish Research Council visited Sahlgrenska Academy
GENERAL ACADEMY MEETING. On Wednesday the Swedish Research Council’s area of Medicine and Health visited Sahlgrenska Academy, which was the second last stop on this year’s faculty tour. The meeting was mainly dominated by the situation for young researchers, however there were few junior researchers present in the audience. Participating in the meeting were the Secretary General for medicine and health and Johan Nilsson, area coordinator. One alarming trend that…