REGISTRY-BASED RESEARCH In the dental care sector, good progress is being made in building an enormous national quality registry for periodontitis, a disease that causes tooth loss and tooth decay. At present, it contains up-to-date information on more than half of the Swedish population and is updated automatically every night. Researchers studying other diseases in the body will also find the registry useful. The registry is called SKaPa (the Swedish…
Less than half of patients with gout receive preventive treatment
NEW STUDY. Gout is the most prevalent arthritic disease in the Western Sweden region and its incidence has increased substantially over the last ten years. However, less than half of patients with gout receive preventive treatment according to a new study from Sahlgrenska Academy, the first of its kind in the Nordic region to investigate how prevalent gout is. Gout is a crystal arthritis, where high levels of uric acid…