NEW STUDY. Regular physical activity and exercise may reduce bleeding in individuals with intracerebral hemorrhage, a University of Gothenburg study shows. The researchers emphasize the importance of physical activity to protect the brain. The study, published in the journal Stroke and Vascular Neurology, analyzed data on 686 people treated for intracerebral hemorrhage at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg during the years 2014 to 2019. The results are based on a…
Twenty years of research collaboration in Rwanda has made a difference
COLLABORATION. After the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, hardly any university teachers or students remained in the country. Slowly and systematically, the country’s university has developed a new academia. It was recently the twentieth anniversary of the collaboration between the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and Swedish universities, including the University of Gothenburg. The research collaboration between Swedish universities and the state-run University of Rwanda is part of SIDA’s efforts…
Consider an associate professorship after defending your doctoral thesis
ASSOCIATE PROFESSORSHIP. If you are aiming for an academic career, you should plan to apply for a docentship as soon as possible after defending your doctoral thesis. This advice comes from Katharina Stibrant Sunnerhagen, chair of Sahlgrenska Academy’s docentship committee. An associate professorship (docentship) is a non-salaried title at the University. The Swedish docent status corresponds approximately to, for example, the following titles or positions in academic systems outside Sweden:…
Physical activity crucial for poststroke recovery
NEW STUDY. After a stroke, physical activity can be pivotal to successful recovery. People who spend four hours a week exercising after their stroke achieve better functional recovery within six months than those who do not, a University of Gothenburg study shows. The study, now published in the scientific journal JAMA Network Open, is based on data concerning 1,500 stroke patients in 35 Swedish hospitals. The participants were grouped according…
Two Pro-Vice-Chancellor candidates suggested – both from Sahlgrenska Academy
UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT. The recruitment committee has now held interviews with Pro-Vice-Chancellor candidates. The committee suggests to the University Board that Carina Mallard and Max Petzold go through to the consultative assembly’s meeting in May. Twelve people in total were interested in becoming Pro-Vice-Chancellor and working with the future Vice-Chancellor Malin Broberg. Of these, Carina Mallard, Göran Hilmersson, Mattias Hallquist and Max Petzold went on to interviews with the recruitment committee.…