ALF POSITION. For those establishing themselves in a new country, learning the language has top priority, but hearing loss can throw a wrench in the works. Nina Pauli, ear-nose-throat doctor and researcher at the Institute of Clinical Sciences, recently received an ALF position, where she will investigate such aspects as how common hearing loss is among people born abroad. The incidence of hearing loss and chronic ear infection is different in…
Stina Simonsson awarded EU grant of more than SEK 5 million
GRANTS. As a co-applicant in a European research consortium, Stina Simonsson is receiving more than SEK 5 million for her research. She is one of 10 research partners in this major project, which aims to find new ways to treat knee injuries with the help of new, advanced technologies. The large European Union project is called RESTORE. The Swedish part of the project will receive more than SEK 5.5 million…
The Heart-Lung Foundation grants SEK 50 million for research at Sahlgrenska Academy
CONTRIBUTION. The Heart-Lung Foundation has granted SEK 50 million to researchers at Sahlgrenska Academy, of which SEK 40 million goes to researchers at the Institute of Medicine. The projects granted will, among other things, provide new knowledge about how complications after heart surgery can be reduced, how sex hormones affect cardiovascular diseases and how COPD and asthma can be diagnosed earlier. Anna-Carin Olin is a consultant and adjunct professor of…
Four biomedical researchers receive grants from Formas
GRANTS. Four researchers, including Carl-Fredrik Flach and Sara Lindén, received grants from the Formas call for proposals. Their projects are about the risk of antibiotic resistance in wastewater and the protective mucus layer of fish. At Sahlgrenska Academy Joakim Larsson and Heléne Norder also received grants from the call for proposals. Formas (the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning) funds research for ecologically, economically and socially…
Seven researchers can purchase advanced equipment, thanks to grants from the Lundberg Foundation
GRANTS. IngaBritt and Arne Lundberg’s Research Foundation has chosen to provide a total of SEK 18 million to researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy to purchase new equipment. One of the researchers granted funding is Ulrika Islander, who is receiving SEK 3 million to buy a highly advanced confocal microscope. Ulrika Islander is a researcher at the Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, who investigates immunological mechanisms involved in the protective…