GRANT. Lung cancer is the cause of many deaths, mainly because it often metastasizes. Clotilde Wiel is studying the metabolism of different types of cells to understand how lung cancer cells form tumors elsewhere in the body. SEK 2.4 million from the Lundberg Research Foundation is going towards new equipment that Clotilde Wiel hopes will help her with identifying functions in cancer cells that can be targeted for treatment. The…
Twenty PhD students funded within DDLS – one will be employed at Sahlgrenska Academy
HEALTH AND TECHNOLOGY. When the research school for SciLifeLab and Wallenberg’s national program for data-driven life science (DDLS) starts this fall, one of the PhD students will be enrolled at Sahlgrenska Academy. Christina Jern and her co-applicants will recruit a PhD student for a project on precision medicine for ischemic stroke. “We will use machine learning algorithms to find blood-based molecular and radiomic biomarkers that will allow us to better…
Better diagnosis and treatment of brain tumors
GRANT. Helena Carén studies the mechanisms that govern the formation of our cells and the growth of brain tumors, and her research has already contributed to a new method for diagnosing brain tumors in children. 3.8 million SEK from the Lundberg Research Foundation is allocated to an advanced microscope that significantly accelerates the pace of work. Every year, over 1,300 adults and nearly a hundred children in Sweden are diagnosed…
Five years since the inauguration of the Lundberg Laboratory for Kidney Research: “It’s turned out very well”
RESEARCH ENDEAVOR. In the autumn of 2018, the Lundberg Laboratory for Kidney Research was inaugurated in Gothenburg. The endeavor was made possible by a SEK 27 million grant from the Lundberg Research Foundation. By bringing together both expertise and technical resources, the Lundberg Laboratory for Kidney Research can now contribute to new knowledge about the causes of kidney disease and facilitate the development of new medications. Kidney disease affects approximately…
Marit Stockfelt works as an international postdoc with ALF funding
GRANT. Marit Stockfelt, a doctor at Sahlgrenska University Hospital and researcher at the Institute of Medicine, is the first to receive ALF funding to complete a period as an international postdoc. The whole family is currently in the UK. Marit Stockfelt combines her ALF-funded research time at the Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research with work as a resident physician in Rheumatology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital. SLE and pregnancy Her…