DOCTORAL THESIS. It has been shown that the percentage of ankle fractures that undergo surgery could be substantially reduced, from more than 30 per cent to 10 in the most common type of fracture. The key is a clear-cut treatment routine that benefits both patients and caregivers, according to a doctoral dissertation at the University of Gothenburg. This thesis examines the way ankle fractures are treated in Sweden and the…
Young adults with caries can improve their health behavior fast
DOCTORAL THESIS. Young adults with extensive caries disease often have a high propensity for risk in terms of oral health. At the same time, with the right support and treatment, they can modify their unhealthy behaviors. A thesis at the University of Gothenburg describes the challenges involved in helping patients in this vulnerable category. In Sweden, oral health has improved markedly over the past few decades. Most people’s oral health…
Seizures more common after venous stroke
DOCTORAL THESIS. Epileptic seizures are frequent among patients with cerebral venous thrombosis — a blood clot affecting the venous system of the brain. A thesis from University of Gothenburg suggests that some of these patients should be diagnosed with epilepsy and offered medication to prevent further seizures. Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is an unusual cause of stroke that mainly affects young adults. Previously, only small-scale studies have linked seizures to…
AI algorithms–approaching a powerful diagnostic tool for brain tumors
DOCTORAL THESIS. On October 7, Emilia Gryska will publicly defend her thesis at the Institute of Clinical Sciences within the subject of medical radiation science. The thesis investigates what is required to clinically implement new artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms for automatic delimitation of brain tumors using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). You can read the thesis here: Automatic tumour segmentation in brain images – moving towards clinical implementation. In brain tumors,…
Men’s greater reluctance to seek mental healthcare
DOCTORTAL THESIS. Many men with mental health problems do not seek treatment for their symptoms. Both knowledge of and attitudes toward mental ill health play their part, as does the men’s educational level. These findings emerge from a thesis from the University of Gothenburg. Previous research has indicated that some 10% of all men in high-income countries are affected by depression or anxiety disorder at some stage in their lives.…